Akai Cassette Deck Repairs

Akai 4000D

This needed an overhaul, replaced the 2SC458 transistors on all four boards and the electrolytic capacitors. Fitted a new belt and gave it a general oiling.

Akai 4000D Akai 4000D Akai 4000D

Akai GXC-38D

This was running slow, the motor capacitor was overheating and needed replacing, 1µF 350V. A proper cassette deck from around 1972.

Akai GXC-38D Akai GXC-38D Akai GXC-38D

Akai GX-77

This reel to reel machine was in need of a service, plus the vertical tension wheel was a sloppy fit and was allowing the tape to ride over the tape guide, the spring was missing, the pinch wheels needed cleaning and generally lubricating.

Akai GX-77 Akai GX-77 Akai GX-77

Akai GXC-570D

The 24V was missing, there are two supplies Zener s\c transistor o\c, play lamp o\c 6V, Dolby 24V (used 6V with two 470 ohm in parallel).

Akai GX-912

Pro cassette deck from the late 80's, one VU level display kept going off. There were dry joints behind the display tube for the level segments.

Akai GX-95

Low output on playback was the fault, it needed the tilt\azimuth setting correct.

Akai GX-912

This is a semi-pro cassette deck from the late 80's, the LH pinch wheel was fouling the cassette holder when ejected, the grease on the pivot had solidified stopping, the mechanism returning to the rest position stripping and cleaning cured it.